Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I went to Tambo for the Canungra Classic today. I decided to take my glider even though I was pretty sure I wasn't going to fly. There were about 60 pilots setting up on launch. It looked awesome and my fingers started to itch as I looked at those clouds. I was asked by a few pilots whether I was going for a fly, my response basically being, "I doubt it, I just came for a look". I guess I just wanted to come up and be around the other pilots without the added pressure of getting off the hill. Besides I hate crowds, especially whilst trying to set up a hang glider. I did get around the field and meet till now have been some of the inspirational pilots I've only read about and seen in DVD's. The likes of Adam Parer, Scott Barret and Rohan Holtcamp to name a few. All extremely helpful, enthusiastic and really nice guys.

After seeing about 10 hangies get off the hill huey decided to turn on us and blew our eagerly watched wind sock over the back. Anyway the day was called off and everyone packed up. I then proceeded to Canungra where I met Big Rege and Big Trev at the cafe. A few moments later as I was eating lunch Jay turned up and said it was on at Beechmont and a few punters had launched. Come on Ant, what do you think? Want to go flyin? I said "probably not" but would go up for a look anyway. Big Rege, Treve and Dirk followed Jay and myself up the mountain and on arriving found the most beautiful flying day.

There were only a couple of pilots setting up and it didn't take much persuading for me to set up as well. Jay was the first one off with a loud wha hooo whilst running into the air. Under the protective and understanding eye of Rege I kept setting up. Both Dirk and Rege launched as I made one last pit stop, after which I also found myself on launch having a hang check by Trev. 2 seconds later and I was sprinting of the mountain in what I was told was an awesome launch. I hooked it right and flew along the shelf. I thought I was going straight for the bomb-out but after a bit of scratching found the lift. Awesome flying day! Heaps of lift, thermals and the sea breeze made it a pleasure to fly, and as the sun slowly sank lower the aesthetics really crept in. I climbed to 2600 feet and flew for about 1 hour before making my way downwind to top land.

Having never been above launch at Beechmont I was a little nervous but pulled it off nicely, all though I still landed on my wheels. I have to stop doing that! A couple of minutes later Rege flew in followed 10 minutes after that by Dirk who was talked in by Big Trev. My instructor Jay was the only fellow who had trouble getting up high enough to top land and almost Bombed out at the base of the mountain. As he started his approach I jokingly asked him over the radio if he wanted me to talk him in. After he landed (not much better than my landing I might add, which made me feel even better) I walked over and with huge grins on our faces and adrenaline in our systems shook each others hand. All four of us were on extreme highs from that point and wouldn't shut up for what seemed an eternity. Thanks to Trev for driving over and picking us up. We all went back to the Canungra show grounds where we partied all night with lots of other pilots. Every flight so far has been better than the previous one so I cant wait to see what the next little adventure holds in stall for me. Later lovelies (all up about 1 hour)


Blogger Elspeth said...

Lovely sunset! Taken from the air?

9:34 pm  

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