Almost Perfect!

Monday the 19th of December was by far my best day, where every thing I've learnt thus far has come together and worked in harmony. Both Josh and myself arrived on Tambo at about 10 o'clock. Jay had just talked Mark into the bombout and was now flying his remote controlled zaggi wing. Marty and a few other paraglider pilots were also on launch and were getting ready to head out into the open blue.
Josh went straight into his Ive got to get off this mountain as fast as I can mode whilst I strayed out, said a few hellos while at the same time checking out the air. Jay started his drive down the hill while both Josh and I at this stage kept setting up. 15 minutes later and I walked Josh out to launch. A minute after that and he was running off the hill in a rather gentle stride. I watched him for a few minutes to get some idea of what the air was doing and then started back at setting up. Kenny by this stage was on launch setting up his tandem glider to give a couple of girls a double. Pretty girls as well! After seeing and chatting to them I think ill be getting my tandem license one day;)
A few minutes later and I heard Joshy over the radio, "hey Anthony, not much out here hey!". I watched as he started circling the bombout to loose height to land then went back to getting myself ready. Jay by this point had arrived in the bombout in enough time to watch as Josh set up his approach. I waited a minute or two before going back out to see if he got down ok. I was supprised to see an empty bombout and thought shit! He must have pulled a Jonny Jnr and got up from a couple of hundred feet off the ground. The only problem was I couldn't see him anywhere in the sky and eventually spotted a glider up by the round about on the ground. Shit he over shot that by a long way I thought to myself. I wonder what happened there?
I started getting in my harness when Michael, another hang glider pilot walked up to me. "I was just wondering who between us was going first?" he said in a humorous manner. "I'll go if you like", and with a quick hang check Michael walked me out to launch. After receiving a bit of advice from the old boy I this time waited until I was completely happy with the conditions and sprinted of the hill in a launch that even I was proud to be apart of. Sweet I thought, at least I'm off to a good start. I started to fly along the second shelf before hitting sink and making my way out to the bomb out. Half way out to the landing field I hit some lift and started working it. At first I fell out but then got back in and extended my circling legs. Dam! I thought as I drifted back to launch while steadily gaining height, I'm doing great! and with Jay looking on in the bomb out felt even a little proud of myself. I circled up to about 4 grand up and over launch with a big cheesy grin on my face. Mic had also seen me find the lift and had also jumped off and joined me flying around.
At about the greatest height of my flight I remember looking out at a few almost fluorescent white fluffy clouds in the distance and thought how amazing it would be if they were a little closer. At the time they appeared almost level to me but not quite and I wondered if I was at cloud base. It was about at this point that I hit a huge bit of turbulence that almost felt like someone had flown into me. A wicked jolt! I almost crapped myself and decided it was time to get back over launch a bit more. I also had that dreaded leg loop cut into my thigh again like the previous day and after about 40 minutes decided id had enough and headed towards the bombout.
At this stage I hadn't yet decided to land but wanted to be close by when the point came where I couldnt stand the leg loop pain any longer. I was actually quite low at one stage and close to the landing field. I was lucky enough to find more lift and once again cored another thermal. I was circling like a champ and getting higher and higher when everything hit me at once. The pain in my leg, dehydration, and the fact I was getting seriously dizzy from thermaling. Jay, Josh and Mark had since arrived back on top by this time and Jay said "hey Ant, nice thermal, that should get you back up".
About 30 seconds later and I broke out to set up a landing approach. I noticed another unfamiliar glider on the ground being packed away. Remembering Russels advice about aircraft landing approaches, I made my way to the end of the field and began to loose height. After judging I was at a good height I made my way across to the road and flew straight up it before hanging a left into the side paddock. I was out of my harness at this point and had my hands down low in the correct position. I pulled the bar right in and flew into the bombout with tones of speed which felt great. I went to trim for a few seconds before pushing the bar way out in a flare that saw me land on my feet almost perfectly but with a slight sideways step to keep my balance.
I couldn't believe it and started laughing hysterically. I picked my glider up and walked over to where the unknown pilot was packing up. "Did you see that!, Did you see that ! I said. I landed on my feet, Unreal! The pilots name was Andrew (I think) and he said "yeah I saw. You seemed to come in low he said but you had tones of speed which really worked for you". "Well done" he said. Where the f#%k is Lee I thought to myself.
2 minutes later and Jay called over the radio, " Hey Ant have you landed?" "Shit didn't you see it" I said, "it was so sweet!" "Why did you land?" he asked, and I proceeded to tell him it was just time. One minute after that and Josh launched. Jonny at this stage had driven in with Michelle to pick up Andrew. Ten minutes later and Josh was once again on the ground (luckily in the correct field this time) . Dam I thought to myself I bet he'll be pissed about that. I told Jonny it probably wouldn't be wise to talk to Josh but he couldn't resist. "How are ya Joshy?" he yelled "Fu#cked!" he yelled back in a shit house tone. Told ya Jonny.
Jay sent Mark on another soaring flight in which he too over flew the bomb out and landed in the tall grass well past the bomb out boundaries. 25 minutes later and Jay drove in to pick us all up. I knew Joshy wouldn't be happy with going home until he had a good fly so rather than go to Beechmont asked if I could get a ride back with Mark when he left. In the end Mark and Jay decided to go to Beechmont anyway to try and get another high glide in. On the way there we stopped into the outpost and picked up my mate John Clark.
We got to Beechmont waited for 15 minutes before both Josh and Mark set up. I decided not to fly. I wanted to leave on a high and four days later still appear to be on it:) Joshy launched and flew for about 5 minutes before hitting sink and bombing out again. Great! I thought to myself, now I have to pick him up and drive all the way to Brisbane with both him and his stinkin mood. I hope he cools down in the time it takes for me to get there (bomb out).
On arriving in the Bomb out I was greeted by a less than happy Josh. Apparently Mark had freaked on final thinking he was going to hit the fence, stalled and broke an upright. Luckily all the excitement took the emphasis off Josh and he seemed to be in a tolerable mood. I did explain to him that having 3 flights in one day was actually a lot better than one long one like mine, and that the experience he received from 3 launches and 3 landings would prove to be invaluable. I think that helped a bit but deep down I'm pretty happy with my one 'almost perfect' flight. Next time ive decided not to over tighten my leg loops and to take my cammel back with me. I think actually eating something on the day before flying would help as well.
All up 1 hour
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